Saturday, July 7, 2007

Romance Movies

I've noticed that such romance films as "Titanic" and "The Notebook" are very popular among women, but I can't help but notice that these movies, as well as many others don't promote abstinence. If you're looking for some romance films or films that have love stories going on in them where the couples don't sleep together, here are some suggestions. I find that flicks like these are better both morally and entertainment wise.

1) Shadowlands

2) The Princess Bride

3) Ever After

4) Sense and Sensibility

5) Emma

6) Pride and Prejudice (2005)

7) The Sound of Music

8) Sabrina (1996)

9) The Music Man

10) Roger's and Hammerstein's "Cinderella" staring Brandy

11) Beauty and the Beast (If you think that the animated version is good you'll think that the Broadway version is wonderful!)

12) Little Women (1995) (Note that there is one scene where a character kisses another person against their will. The rest of it is pure.)

13) A Walk to Remember

14) Shrek (Note that there are some off-color jokes.)

15) The Lake House

16) Aladdin

17) Lady and the Tramp

18) It's a Wonderful Life (Note that there are a few of off-color jokes.)

19) The Phantom of the Opera (Keep in mind that there is some immodest clothing and someone touching another character in a dishonorable way. So look away at those parts. However there is no fornication.)

20) Simply Irresistible (This isn't squeeky clean either but it doesn't cross the line as far as many films do. There is no fornication in this film.)

21) The Lion King


22)  Miss Potter