Thursday, July 26, 2007

St. Anne and Since We're There St. Joachim Too

Today is the Feastday of St. Anne and it's hard to talk about her without St. Joachim. Here is their story.

Many years ago in Nazareth there lived a devout Jewish couple who were very much in love. Their names were Anne and Joachim. The two of them prayed and waited for God to bless them with the gift of a child. Twenty years of marriage passed and they still had no children. At the time it was shameful to be childless. Many thought that they were barren because the couple had done something that offended God. When Joachim went to the temple to offer a sacrifice to the Lord for a child he was turned away. To them he was unworthy of such a thing, so he went out into the wilderness to pray and offer a sacrifice.

Because her husband was away for so long, Anne worried that he was dead or had abandoned her. Suddenly an angel appeared to reassure her that none of her fears were true. Then she was told that the Lord finally was granting her a child and that they would play a major part in the world's history. Anne praised the Lord for such a blessing. The angel then appeared to Joachim and he was told the good news. He rushed home to his wife praising the Lord. Nine months later their beautiful baby girl was born. The daughter was sinless since the moment of conception so that she could carry on her unique and crucial mission. She was full of grace and the Lord was with her. The girl's name was Mary and yes she did play a major part in the world's history.

If you look back in the Old Testament you'll find stories where there are barren couples who miraculously conveive a child, but this story is different. In earlier times the husband and wife were given a son but in this instance it was a daughter. I think that this is significant. It was foreshadowing of a whole new world that was soon approaching. The Old Law was soon going to come to an end and the New Law was on its way. After thousands of years of darkness after the fall of Adam and Eve a small hidden candle was lit.

Now back to Our Lady's parents. What strikes me about this holy married couple was that though they were sad and frustrated that God still had not given them a child for so many years they didn't give up. They were stronger in their faith because of it. Their trust in the Lord was tested and purified. Not only that but they were excelent parents. Anne and Joachim must have been special people to raise the Mother of the God. Can't you just picture Mary on her father's lap as he instructs her in the faith? Do you not see Anne teaching her how to pray? What Mary learned from her own parents she passed on to her Son. I don't think that we give Sts. Anne and Joachim enough recognition for what they did. We especially should look at them today as examples for the family is under attack now more than ever. We need holy married couples, parents, and grandparents.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Romance Movies

I've noticed that such romance films as "Titanic" and "The Notebook" are very popular among women, but I can't help but notice that these movies, as well as many others don't promote abstinence. If you're looking for some romance films or films that have love stories going on in them where the couples don't sleep together, here are some suggestions. I find that flicks like these are better both morally and entertainment wise.

1) Shadowlands

2) The Princess Bride

3) Ever After

4) Sense and Sensibility

5) Emma

6) Pride and Prejudice (2005)

7) The Sound of Music

8) Sabrina (1996)

9) The Music Man

10) Roger's and Hammerstein's "Cinderella" staring Brandy

11) Beauty and the Beast (If you think that the animated version is good you'll think that the Broadway version is wonderful!)

12) Little Women (1995) (Note that there is one scene where a character kisses another person against their will. The rest of it is pure.)

13) A Walk to Remember

14) Shrek (Note that there are some off-color jokes.)

15) The Lake House

16) Aladdin

17) Lady and the Tramp

18) It's a Wonderful Life (Note that there are a few of off-color jokes.)

19) The Phantom of the Opera (Keep in mind that there is some immodest clothing and someone touching another character in a dishonorable way. So look away at those parts. However there is no fornication.)

20) Simply Irresistible (This isn't squeeky clean either but it doesn't cross the line as far as many films do. There is no fornication in this film.)

21) The Lion King


22)  Miss Potter

Monday, July 2, 2007

Holy Darkness

The following is a song based off of St. John of the Cross's classic book "The Dark Night of the Soul." I'm going through a spiritual trial at the moment and this song comforts me.

Holy Darkness

chorus: Holy darkness, blessed night, Heaven's answer hidden from our sight. As we await You, O God of silence, we embrace Your holy night.

I have tried you in fires of affliction; I have taught your soul to grieve. In the barren soil of your loneliness there I will plant My seed. (Then go back to the chorus.)

I have taught you the price of compassion; you have stood before the grave. Though My love can seem like a raging storm, this is the love that saves. (Then go back to the chorus.)

In your deepest hour of darkness I will give you wealth untold. When the silence stills your spirit, will My riches fill your soul? (Then go back to the chorus.)

Copywrite 1988, 1989, Daniel L. Schutte. CD "Glory in the Cross; Music for the Easter Triduum" Published by OCP Publications. All rights reserved.