Thursday, November 1, 2007
All Saints Day
1) Love Jesus More Than Anyone or Anything
2) Love Their Neighbor as They Love Themselves
3) Serve in Whatever Vocation That They Are Called To
4) Are Christlike
5) Chaste
6) Prayerful
7) Have Beautiful Souls
8) Seek God's Will Above Their Own
9) Childlike But Not Childish
10) Obedient
11) Follow 10 Ten Commandments
12) Passionately Love The Church
13) Live Out The Eight Beatitudes
14) Are Not Saints By Themselves, But With Total Reliance on The Lord
15) Reverent When Needed To Be, Never Wishing To Be Disrespectful
16) Love The Sacraments, Especially The Eucharist
17) Know How Important The Family Is
18) Pro-Life
19) Know That There Is Both a Spiritual World and a Natural World
20) Have a Healthy Love of Self
21) Have True Freedom, By Being Free in The Lord
22) Courageous in The Battle of Good vs. Evil
23) Pro- Scripture, But Anti-Scripture Alone
I have never found a single saint that contradicted any of these traits. As one can clearly see, we can live out these traits as well. Holiness is for everyone, not just for a select few.
Monday, October 22, 2007
God Blessed the Broken Road
"I set out on a narrow way many years ago, hoping I would find true joy along the broken road. But I got lost a time or two, wiped my brow and kept pushing through. I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to You.
And every long lost dream led me to where You are. Others things that stired my heart, they were just northern stars pointing me on my way into Your loving arms. This much I know is true, that God blessed the broken road that led me straight to You.
I think about all the years I spent just passing through. I'd like to take the time I lost and give it back to You, but You just smile and take my hand. You've heard this before. You understand. It's all part of a grander plan that is coming through.
And every long lost dream led me to where You are. Other things that stired my heart, they were just northern stars pointing me on my way into Your loving arms. This much I know is true, that God blessed the broken road that me straight to You.
Now I'm just rolling home in my Beloved's arms. This much I know is true that God blessed the broken road and led me straight to You. ... that God blessed the broken road and led me straight to You."
My conversion story truly was a love story, just not the kind that I expected. There are many different types of love and one of them is between God and humanity. I fell in- love with Jesus. I never dreamed that such love existed. In the words of St. Augustine, "Our hearts were made for You Oh Lord, and they are restless until they rest in You." I found true peace and happiness.
"God Blessed the Broken Road" was originally performed by Rascal Flats but I prefer this version by Selah.
If you'd like the lyrics to the real song, then go to
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Witness to Hope
Monday, October 1, 2007
One of the Patron Saints of This Blog
First, her autobiography, "The Story of a Soul." If you want to get inside of her head and heart than this is definitely the book for you. It's one of my favorite books of all time!
Second, "The Mother of the Little Flower." This short book reveals who Therese's mother truly was; a strong woman of conviction. There's also a book entitled, "The Father of The Little Flower" but I haven't read it. Both of them are being considered for canonization! Eventually I'll write about what an amazing couple they truly were.
Third, "Celine The Sister of St. Therese." This beautiful work shows how this dear saint influenced her older sister.
Fourth, if you desire to start your day with a quote by the Little Flower or a quick story about her then check out, "Mornings with St. Therese." It's a positive way to begin your morning!
Fifth, if you've want to know the Little Flowers views on topics such as loving God, loving neighbor, hope, Our Lady, the Blessed Sacrament, etc. you'll be inspired by "Quotes of Saint Therese."
Sixth, if you want to learn how to follow the Little Way read the short booklet, "With Child-like Trust: The Spiritual Childhood of the Little Flower."
Seventh, you've got to see Luke Film's "Therese." It's not perfect but it's a wonderful film anyway. (I'm just picky because I'm a Theresian "scholar.") This movie is a great introduction to this compelling saint and it promotes vocations!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Prayers for the Troops
O Saint Michael, defender of goodness, righteousness, and truth please protect the soldiers in Iraq from physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual harm. For those who are already suffering from these afflictions bring them comfort and hope so that they may persevere. Please pray for their sanctification and if they do not know the beauty of Catholicism pray for their conversion. Many are in grave spiritual danger, so send the soldiers chaplains who are faithful to the Church. Their souls greatly need nourishment, not merely to fight against the earthly enemy but the worst enemy of all: the devil.
Even though the troops are away from home, assure them that Their Heavenly Father is with them and that their mother Mary is there to console them. Pray that they may receive Jesus Christ in the Eucharist daily if possible to have the strength and power to become holy and fight for their Master. Make Confession available to them to rid them of all that is unclean. Ask The Holy Spirit to help them use His fruits and gifts properly. Remind them of their fellow soldiers, the saints, who endured the good fight.
Please pray especially for the families of the soldiers. May they come together during this difficult time and grow spiritually. Give them the strength they need to live another day separated from their loved one.
The Official Prayer to St. Michael
Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in the day of battle. Be our protection against the wickedness
and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray. O do
thou O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God thrust into
Hell Satan and all the evil spirits prowling about the world seeking the
ruin of souls.
Here's a song called "Letters from War." You are warned though, it will probably make you cry.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Inside Mary's Immaculate Heart
Let her take you by the hand into her Immaculate Heart. It is full of infinite graces and gifts for anyone who asks for them. These things shall make you able to stand strong to fight against all that is evil.
This woman who is here to aide you is your soul's own mother. She has the most pure heart ever known to man. She is free from all sin and God once physically dwelt within her womb. Your soul's mother is as gentle as any woman could be.
She is a living vessel of love. Open up the doors to her heart and she will show you what love is. No one loved Jesus more than Mary did, so she can teach you how to love Him. She can show you how to treat everyone as a son or daughter. She also is your teacher in prayer. She shows you how to pray even during your everyday tasks. Now you are able to pray always, just as she has always done.
You encounter another door that looks spectacular. Mary hands you the key to open that door but you do not know what to expect. You do not know if you will be able to handle it. The door is just so large and you are afraid. Then your mother, who realizes your fear, holds you in her arms and says that you are ready to go in there. The lady sweetly says, "Just remember all that I have taught you."
Mary takes you by the hand and simply gazing at her loving face you feel the courage to take the next step. You use the key to open the door and you step in.
You are in awe because you realize that you are in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In His Sacred Heart you find things in it that you never dreamed possible. Jesus eagerly welcomes you into His loving arms, never letting you go. Then, Mary warmly says that, "You could not have entered the Sacred Heart of my Son without first going through my own heart, because I am the one who possesses the key."
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
More Positive and Uplifting Links
This is the website to an awesome Catholic channel
Can you study at an Ivy League school and still keep your faith? Find out at... EWTN's "Life on the Rock" interviews athletes from Yale University! (Sorry, you have to type it in yourself.)
When taking an apologetics class in high school we often read articles from If you need help defending your faith it's definitely the place to go to.
Are you discerning a call to the priesthood or religious life? Do you have questions about vocations?
To find out about a great community of religious sisters check out
These are some great music videos...
"How Beautiful"
"Find Your Wings" WARNING YOU MAY CRY!!! Sorry but you have to type it in yourself.
"You Know Better Than I"
"Father's Eyes"
"Voice of Truth"
"Mary Did You Know" (with scenes from "The Passion")
The following is a talk on love by living a life of chastity. It's in twelve parts.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Monday, August 20, 2007
St. Teresa de los Andes
This young woman grew up in Chile during the early twentieth century. Originally her name was Juana but everyone called her Juanita. She lived a very devout and virtuous life for someone so young. At the tender age of fourteen, when a girl is in danger of being greatly influenced by the world, Juanita felt a call to be a carmelite nun. She intently read about carmelite spirituality, particularly the inspiring "Story of a Soul" written by the now canonized St. Therese (one of the patron saints of this blog.)
Yet even with this piety Juanita lived a balanced life. She enjoyed swimming and playing tennis, helped teach catechism classes, was deligent in school, and was very close to her family. Just before she reached nineteen Juanita entered the carmelite monastery at Los Andes. She felt such joy at finally meeting her Beloved but it was such a sacrifice for her to say goodbye to her family.
Not everyone understood why she became a carmelite and the now Sister Teresa of Jesus assured them of her happiness in her letters to them. Teresa evangelized her family and friends with her inspiring letters and the prioress of the community encouraged her to continue. If it were not for these letters then we may never have known about this holy young woman who had so much strength and love to give. Teresa spent eleven wonderful months in the monastery before she died a very young death. She did not even reach her twentieth birthday, yet in what little time she had spent there everyone in the community saw her sanctity.
I wish that more people knew about this simple yet powerful saint. She was very much like St. Therese in her littleness and humility. Last July EWTN showed a mini-series on her life which lasted six episodes. Unfortunately it's only played once a year and I don't think that it can be purchased anywhere, so next year if you want to see it you'll have to look up the times on The mini-series starts out slow but then progresses and is well worth your time.
If anyone wants to learn even more about this saint go to Before entering the site you have to click on one of the flags on the bottom so that the proper language can be displayed.
Monday, August 13, 2007
St. John Vianney
John was sent to a parish that had abandoned its faith. Only the elderly women attended mass.
This courageous man never gave up on his flock. He knelt before the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament begging for the conversion of his parish. He drew people to mass with his simple words of truth in his sermons. A great multitude of people came to listen to him, even those from other parishes.
Other priests were jealous of him and rebuked him. To their surprise John not only accepted their criticisms but thanked them for their corrections. He called them his dear colleagues and refered to himself as a sinful man who needed their direction. John was also hated by the bartenders of Ars, France who noticed that they were losing business because of him. Satan himself beat and harassed him, for he was losing souls because of him. Vianney saw visions of Mary and could tell when a penitent was hiding something from him in the confessional, but these spiritual gifts didn't make him a saint, the way he lived his life did. He spent at least eighteen hours a day hearing confessions. Imagine what the priests of today would do if such a thing were to happen!
Priests of our contemporary world look to St. John Vianney as an example. He was hated by the world for challenging it but he wasn't afraid to live by the truth of the Catholic faith. Those of you that have trouble with your own stubborn parish that refuses to convert, he had trouble with his too. It didn't just convert over night. He made sacrifices for them and prayed for them. He never lost hope in them. Vianney knew the power of prayer and lived it out. He called people to conversion and repentance. Vianney wasn't afraid to discuss turning away from sin. If he didn't then he wouldn't have spent all of those hours listening to confessions. What if there were a hundred St. John Vianneys? The world would belong only to God.
All of you who are not priests support these ordained men. I've heard it said on EWTN that twelve men changed the world two thousand years ago and twelve men can change the world today. Those twelve men were the Apostles. Those twelve men were priests. Pray for the sanctification of these men and dedicate to God all of your thoughts, words, and actions for them, for even St. Therese offered every beating of her heart for souls, dedicating everything she could to God.
I'd like to take the time to announce that Luke Films, the same organization that brought us the hit, "Therese" is thinking about making a movie about St. John Vianney, but they need financial assistance. Go to to find out more about this company and how you can help. Prayers are especially needed for them now.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Our Anniversary
Now this is where the anniversary comes in. Several months after randomly finding EWTN, I had a dream that I hope I'll never forget. I was in one of EWTN's shows called, "The Story Keepers." "The Story Keepers" is an animated series about the first century Christians who were persecuted for their faith. The characters risk their lives to pass on the Gospel stories. I definitely recommend this series! Anyway, I found myself at the foot of The Cross but The Lord hadn't died yet. I noticed that St. Peter stood next to me. He asked The Lord how this could be happening and how could he ever follow Him now. Christ was saddened by what he said because it sounded as if he was leaving Him. Somehow I mustered up the courage to speak. I said something along the lines of, "Lord, no matter how bad things get I will never leave You. I say this because I love You." He smiled and looked at me with such love.
Today is the five year anniversary of the first time I told Jesus that I loved Him. Thinking about the dream gives me comfort during trying times in my faith life. When was the last time you told Jesus that you loved Him?
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Positive and Uplifting Links
This is a website that promotes chastity, which is the only way to find true love. There are quotes on purity, questions and answers about living pure, a gift shop, and more.
This is an online discussion board with all kinds of topics; vocations, prayer, apologetics, and more.
If you're looking for reliable reviews on movies from the Catholic perspective here it is.
This is an amazing article that answers the frequently pondered question, "What do Catholic youth want?" (If the link doesn't work try either or a google search entitled, "What do Catholic youth want?")
This is an absolutely beautiful music video on discerning a vocation! It's based off of a speech by Pope John Paul II. The song is magnifecent! This clip is my favorite clip on vocations!
The song played during this clip is "Here I am Lord." The background is simply gorgeous! (P.S. since the equal sign doesn't appear in the blue you'll probably get better results if you just type this in yourself.)
"What I can do with my life." The song played is "Here I am Lord." I've never heard that song sung so beautifully before! It's yet another vocation clip.
This is a great clip about the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia! (P.S. since the equal sign doesn't appear in the blue you'll probably get better results if you just type this in yourself.)
This is a touching clip that answers the question, "Why am I Catholic?"
This is a tribute to Pope John Paul II with a song sung by Clay Aiken, the runner up on the hit TV show American Idol.
This is a feast for the soul! The song played is "I Can Only Imagine" but it's the Catholic version with an eye opening surprise! Go to and type in "Catholic I Can Only Imagine."
This is a very touching music video made in memory of Terri Schiavo called, "Beautiful Still."
This is a rare treasure! The music video is entitled, "Can I live?" by Nick Cannon. It promotes the pro-life movement. How unexpected to find such a thing from a secular artist! It's no coincidence that this clip was added on May 18, the birthday of Pope John Paul II.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
St. Anne and Since We're There St. Joachim Too
Many years ago in Nazareth there lived a devout Jewish couple who were very much in love. Their names were Anne and Joachim. The two of them prayed and waited for God to bless them with the gift of a child. Twenty years of marriage passed and they still had no children. At the time it was shameful to be childless. Many thought that they were barren because the couple had done something that offended God. When Joachim went to the temple to offer a sacrifice to the Lord for a child he was turned away. To them he was unworthy of such a thing, so he went out into the wilderness to pray and offer a sacrifice.
Because her husband was away for so long, Anne worried that he was dead or had abandoned her. Suddenly an angel appeared to reassure her that none of her fears were true. Then she was told that the Lord finally was granting her a child and that they would play a major part in the world's history. Anne praised the Lord for such a blessing. The angel then appeared to Joachim and he was told the good news. He rushed home to his wife praising the Lord. Nine months later their beautiful baby girl was born. The daughter was sinless since the moment of conception so that she could carry on her unique and crucial mission. She was full of grace and the Lord was with her. The girl's name was Mary and yes she did play a major part in the world's history.
If you look back in the Old Testament you'll find stories where there are barren couples who miraculously conveive a child, but this story is different. In earlier times the husband and wife were given a son but in this instance it was a daughter. I think that this is significant. It was foreshadowing of a whole new world that was soon approaching. The Old Law was soon going to come to an end and the New Law was on its way. After thousands of years of darkness after the fall of Adam and Eve a small hidden candle was lit.
Now back to Our Lady's parents. What strikes me about this holy married couple was that though they were sad and frustrated that God still had not given them a child for so many years they didn't give up. They were stronger in their faith because of it. Their trust in the Lord was tested and purified. Not only that but they were excelent parents. Anne and Joachim must have been special people to raise the Mother of the God. Can't you just picture Mary on her father's lap as he instructs her in the faith? Do you not see Anne teaching her how to pray? What Mary learned from her own parents she passed on to her Son. I don't think that we give Sts. Anne and Joachim enough recognition for what they did. We especially should look at them today as examples for the family is under attack now more than ever. We need holy married couples, parents, and grandparents.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Romance Movies
I've noticed that such romance films as "Titanic" and "The Notebook" are very popular among women, but I can't help but notice that these movies, as well as many others don't promote abstinence. If you're looking for some romance films or films that have love stories going on in them where the couples don't sleep together, here are some suggestions. I find that flicks like these are better both morally and entertainment wise.
1) Shadowlands
2) The Princess Bride
3) Ever After
4) Sense and Sensibility
5) Emma
6) Pride and Prejudice (2005)
7) The Sound of Music
8) Sabrina (1996)
9) The Music Man
10) Roger's and Hammerstein's "Cinderella" staring Brandy
11) Beauty and the Beast (If you think that the animated version is good you'll think that the Broadway version is wonderful!)
12) Little Women (1995) (Note that there is one scene where a character kisses another person against their will. The rest of it is pure.)
13) A Walk to Remember
14) Shrek (Note that there are some off-color jokes.)
15) The Lake House
16) Aladdin
17) Lady and the Tramp
18) It's a Wonderful Life (Note that there are a few of off-color jokes.)
19) The Phantom of the Opera (Keep in mind that there is some immodest clothing and someone touching another character in a dishonorable way. So look away at those parts. However there is no fornication.)
20) Simply Irresistible (This isn't squeeky clean either but it doesn't cross the line as far as many films do. There is no fornication in this film.)
21) The Lion King
22) Miss Potter
Monday, July 2, 2007
Holy Darkness
Holy Darkness
chorus: Holy darkness, blessed night, Heaven's answer hidden from our sight. As we await You, O God of silence, we embrace Your holy night.
I have tried you in fires of affliction; I have taught your soul to grieve. In the barren soil of your loneliness there I will plant My seed. (Then go back to the chorus.)
I have taught you the price of compassion; you have stood before the grave. Though My love can seem like a raging storm, this is the love that saves. (Then go back to the chorus.)
In your deepest hour of darkness I will give you wealth untold. When the silence stills your spirit, will My riches fill your soul? (Then go back to the chorus.)
Copywrite 1988, 1989, Daniel L. Schutte. CD "Glory in the Cross; Music for the Easter Triduum" Published by OCP Publications. All rights reserved.
Friday, June 29, 2007
The Feast of St. Paul
"On his journey, as he was nearing Damascus, a light from the sky suddenly flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, 'Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?' He said, 'Who are you, sir?' The reply came, 'I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. Now get up and go into the city and you will be told what you must do' " (Acts 9:3-6). When Saul got up he discovered that he was blind and then Ananias cured him after three days (Acts 9:8, 17-18). Saul converted and later became known as Paul (Acts 9:18, 13:9).
The man who once sought to kill Christians became one of the greatest missionaries of Christ. Despite what he had done God forgave him and called him to spread the faith (Acts 13:2). No matter what we've done in the past we still must not give up. We must trust in the infinite mercy of Jesus. Even if we were the most evil human being that ever lived we can still be forgiven.
Remember Judas who betrayed Our Lord? It turns out that he regretted what he did and gave the thirty pieces of silver back to the chief priests (Matthew 27:3). He was in so much despair that he hung himself (Matthew 27:3). Judas didn't believe that he would be forgiven. He committed a grave sin. This is a great tragedy because The Lord would have forgiven him. He died for Judas too. St. Peter denied that he even knew Jesus three times and only one of the disciples came to His crucifixion, yet He forgave them. In fact they became great saints, spreading the Gospel and those same men who had once feared being killed by the Romans suffered and most died for Jesus. If only Judas had trusted in The Lord's mercy! What a great example he would have been for us! Unlike Judas, Paul did not despair. By the power of Christ he was transformed and became a new creation. What a valuable lesson for us all!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
In Honor of the Feastday of St. Peter
In honor of his feastday I'll recommend a movie about him entitled "The Power of The Resurrection." The story begins with him as an older man in prison waiting to die for his faith. An adolecent boy admits his fear of the horrible execution. The saint comforts him saying that he knows how he feels yet the boy can't believe that he was ever afraid like him. Peter confesses that it wasn't always that way.
The film then flashes back to just after Christ rises Lazerus from the dead. Most of the story takes place during Holy Week and then moves on to all that happened afterwards. The film shows Peter's fear, confusion, his refusal to believe that he will deny Christ three times, and his denial of Jesus. Throughout the story we sympathize Peter and identify with his struggles and weaknesses. Viewers see the human side of this saint but he still has his positive moments later on in the story. The main message in this movie is that without Christ we can do nothing, so we must humble ourselves and ask for His help. Peter is transformed into a saint. He gives an inspiring speech to encourage the other disciples while they're awaiting the Holy Spirit and preaches at Pentecost, despite his fear of death.
By the end of the movie the boy has learned a great deal from the story and is no longer afraid. Then St. Peter is escorted out of the prison by a Roman soldier to be martyred.
If you can't find "The Power of the Resurrection by itself then look for it on the dvd "POPE John Paul II A Documentary of the Life of Pope John Paul II." It should be listed on the bonus features.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Wedding Season
"Purity is the fruit of prayer" Blessed Mother Teresa.
"Purity prepares the soul for love, and love confirms the soul in purity" Cardinal John Henry Newman.
"The person who does not decide to love forever will find it very difficult to really love for even one day" Pope John Paul II.
"No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends" Christ in John 15:13.
"Now, Lord, you know that I take this wife of mine not because of lust, but for a noble purpose. Call down your mercy on me and on her, and allow us to live together to a happy old age" prayer said by Tobiah with Sarah at his side on their wedding night in Tobit 8:7.
"Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, [love] is not pompous, it is not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury, it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails" St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.
"Intense love does not measure... it just gives" Blessed Mother Teresa.
"There is no place for selfishness- and no place for fear! Do not be afraid, then, when love makes demands. Do not be afraid when love requires sacrifice" Pope John Paul II.
"If the one falls, the other will lift up his companion... So also, if two sleep together, they keep each other warm. How can one keep warm? Where a lone man may be overcome, two together can resist" Ecclesiates 4:10-12.
"The LORD God said: 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a suitable partner for him.' ...
So the LORD God cast a deep sleep on the man, and while he was asleep he took out one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. The LORD God then built up into a woman the rib that he had taken from the man. When he brought her to the man, the man said:
'This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; this one shall be called 'woman,' for out of 'her man' this one has been taken." That is why a man leaves, his father and mother and clings to his wife and the two of them became one body" Genesis 2:18, 21-25.
"Be subordinate to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives should be subordinate to their husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is head of his wife just as Christ is head of the church, he himself the savior of the body. As the church is subordinate to Christ, so wives should be subordinate to their husbands in everything.
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ loved the church and handed himself over for her to sanctify her, cleansing her by the bath of water with the word, that he might present to himself the church in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.
So [also] husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one hates his own flesh but rather nourishes and cherishes it, even as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body" Ephesians 5:21-30.
"Love to be real, it must cost- it must hurt- it must empty of self" Blessed Mother Teresa.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Our Lady of the Smile
"Suddenly the Blessed Virgin glowed with a beauty beyond anything I had ever seen. Her face was alive with kindness and an infinite tenderness, but it was her enchanting smile which really moved me to the depths. My pain vanished and two tears crept down my cheeks- tears of pure joy (p. 34 The Story of a Soul by St. Therese).
Whenever I see a statue or picture of Our Lady of the Smile I feel at peace. "There she gentle and compassionate Mother. I can feel the love that she has for me. I feel peace and hope." With the help of her St. Therese was led out of darkness. Just as she cured little Therese Our Gracious Mother can cure of us and help us carry our crosses."
Saturday, June 23, 2007
The Fifth Joyful Mystery
One can tell that the story of finding Jesus in the Temple is a foreshadowing of what is to come. Even at the young age of twelve He knows what is in His future. Jesus knows what His mission is on earth. Though He shudders at the thought of the cross, Christ accepts it but also knows that His death will not be the end. Not only must we carry our own cross but like Our Lord but we must remember that after suffering and dying there will be rising.
Friday, June 22, 2007
The Answer to a Common Problem
Long ago, when I was a freshman in high school, we all gathered into the gymn to listen to a public speaker. The last topic that he discussed with us was the Miraculous Medal of Our Lady. He told us the story behind it and talked about the grace that one receives by wearing it and even by kissing it. When he was done he offered us all a free Miraculous Medal. So many students were moved by the speaker's words and most if not everyone rushed down to get one! I had never seen anything like it before.
Sometime afterwords I realized why these young people reacted the way that they did: they were told the truth. They didn't have an adult try to "relate to them" by being "cool." There were no gimicks, no bells and whistles, no goofy catch frases to grab their attention. These ridiculous methods don't bring about conversion. The only thing that they will bring is laughter. Teenagers won't take you seriously if you use these techniques. They'll think that our religion is a big joke. How come people resort to redecorating our already breathtakingly- beautiful faith? This makeover is making the Church look ugly! The Catholic Church has been around for thousands of years and over these two-thousand or so years it has received numerous converts by proclaiming nothing but the truth. It's as simple as that. So don't water down this enormous bonfire! The youth are searching for the truth and nothing less!